Generations of Experience


Founded in 1975 by Mauricio Pontual initially focused in the XIX (nineteenth) century brazilian and foreign, art gallery Mauricio Pontual held important exhibitions assisting large collectors in their search for works of great artists and rare collection pieces.

As from the 80’s, expanded its operations, including works of the great brazilian modernists as Portinari, Di Cavalcanti, Cicero Dias, Tarsila do Amaral, Pancetti, among others.

Currently, in addition to the accumulated knowledge, also works with contemporary artists such as Jorge Eduardo, Mauricio Barbato, Eduardo Bortk and Eduardo Brettas.

More recently, joined the team of artists represented by the gallery the acclaimed artist Juarez Machado, of great international recognition.

Today the gallery is run by Mauricio Pontual Jr. and João Pinto da Silva, who accompanied the founder on his long journey since the late 70’s.

Above:  Mauricio Pontual Jr. and Mauricio Pontual
Below: Mauricio Pontual and João Pinto da Silva

"One must have more than talent in order to create a work of art, more than strength, one must also have to live a great love."

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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